English version of Fiskerakjonens letter to NVE of February 20, 2017

23.02.2017 12:08



Middelthunsgate 29

Postboks 5091, Majorstua

0301 Oslo


NVE: 20080303886-47

Arkive: 112.Z


Our date 20.02.2017

Our ref: Kjell Ulf Lund, Tellesbø, 6650 Surnadal


Copy: Miljøkonsulent Surnadal and Rindal kommune, Surnadal and Rindal Elvaeigarlag, and Samarbeidsorganet for Surnavassdraget.


Concerning the revision of terms for Folla-Vindølareguleringen and thereof calculations of NVE for water flows, minimum water and floods.


In the hearing for the revision of terms for Folla – Vindølareguleringen are we in Fiskeraksjonen using the Montana or Tennants Method for calculations of the amount of minimum water and spring floods [1], see also [2].


Further, NVE describes in report nr 9 2006 [3] the practice to assess these. However, report nr 9 of 2006 is ten years old. We therefore ask, as partner in hearing for the revision, what reference or method NVE is using today to decide the amount and duration of minimum water and spring floods, concerning biological diversity in Surna.     


For  Fiskeraksjonen

Kjell Lund






  1.   https://webfileservice.nve.no/API/PublishedFiles/Download/200803886/1263970
  2.   www.faksnes.com/news/small-series-on-nyheter-with-the-themes-shelter-food-and-warmth-in-english/
  3.   https://publikasjoner.nve.no/rapport_miljoebasert_vannfoering/2006/miljoebasert2006_09.pdf

