The paper that started Fiskaraksjonen.

11.03.2015 07:06

When Firskaraksjonen started in 1998 we were looking for a vision where we could position and get answers to different questions about Surna. Statkraft wanted to install Aggregat 2 in Trollheim power station without an investigation, according to the Norwegian energy law, but was stopped by NVE. The overall message was that nothing was true, nothing was for sure and all was going to be fine with both power generation and the salmon. We were confused, clearly. Many and no answers were given until we read a paper from abroad. It suggested a holistic ecological approach to the catchment basin, to get more biological diversity and productivity by removing obstacles for natural processes. We shall not burden the authors with our interpretation of their paper but it is from there our vision ‘Den naturlige elva’ originates. Later we improved our knowledge with the paper ’ Return to the River ’, you can find it in the library (bibliotek) as chp1. The name ‘Den naturlige elva’ was given by Kjell Lund in Fiskaraksjonen.

