Merknad til NVE si innstilling - Revisjon av konsesjonsvilkår for Folla-Vindølareguleringen i Surnadal og Rindal kommunar[481].pdf (264348)
The main purpose of the salmon when swimming up the river is to save energy for building the reproductive glands and avoid oxygen dept, so strong fertilized eggs of diversity are produced in the spawning process. We therefor suggest that Catch and Release (CR) is limited to water...
Vi i Fiskeraksjonen tillater oss å komme med noen tanker før møtet på tirsdag den 21.08 der revisjonen for konsesjonsvilkårene for Folla - Vindølareguleringen skal være tema.
Dette er ment som et innspill til debatten og kanskje litt til opplysning. I tillegg kan det være en...
NVE skriver som inledning till slutrapport för revisjonen av Folla-Vindölareguleringen i Surna:
’NVE anbefaler at det fastsettes nye og moderniserte vilkår for reguleringskonsesjonene i Folla- Vindøla vassdragene. Regulant er Statkraft Energi. Vi har lagt vekt på miljøhensyn og forsøkt...
Agne och jag kom överens om att i morgon skulle vi inte sova bort morgonfisket, vi skulle gå upp klockan sex och vandra ner till Holtahölen. Sagt och gjort, vi lade oss tidigt och lät de andra fiska för i morgon bitti skulle det ske.
Om det inte varit för denna förbannade fluga, så fort jag...
A Wine Collection.
There were X1, X2, and Y, and they were all ‘gentlemen and best friends’. Y was the lady to X1. It was well known around the Flat Lake area that there were indeed some very fine bottles in X1:s wine cellar, and that they were nursed almost to infinity.
One day X1 went to a...
Anledningen till att alla höringsfiler var borta från NVE:s sida var att de är klara med sitt förslag till ändrade viillkor i Folla-Vindölareguleringen. Dokumenten kan nu ses genom länk på deras web-sida.
Vi återkommer om...
We have completed our assessment of ACER and a new power line from Norway to Scotland, with the basic concept ‘Follow the money’ in mind, and conclude the following:
1. There is not much money in a power line to Europe. Rapports from earlier lines show this. The...
ACER looks to be the route in Norway, and while matters are settled revisions of a river regulation are postponed in OED. Those who prepare documentation for the decision of ACER know from results from other power lines to Europe that not much electricity will be exported, each country to its own....
Previously there has been no limitation on the amount of salmon we can harvest. Then came fishing regulations and ‘Catch and Release’(CR). It is obvious that we need some kind of limitation on the fishing, the decreasing catch statistics shows it. Salmon from hatcheries only support a non...