12.04.2018 11:05
We have completed our assessment of ACER and a new power line from Norway to Scotland, with the basic concept ‘Follow the money’ in mind, and conclude the following:
1. There is not much money in a power line to Europe. Rapports from earlier lines show this. The...
11.04.2018 10:32
ACER looks to be the route in Norway, and while matters are settled revisions of a river regulation are postponed in OED. Those who prepare documentation for the decision of ACER know from results from other power lines to Europe that not much electricity will be exported, each country to its own....
03.04.2018 05:49
Previously there has been no limitation on the amount of salmon we can harvest. Then came fishing regulations and ‘Catch and Release’(CR). It is obvious that we need some kind of limitation on the fishing, the decreasing catch statistics shows it. Salmon from hatcheries only support a non...
29.03.2018 11:47
We receive messages in different forms. Some in a language we don’t understand, some with a dubious message and some were we don’t know the senders intention. Don’t get us wrong, we do love messages like ‘I love looking through your internet site'. Thank you so much!’ However here the sender...
25.02.2018 13:08
After some 'discussions' we give a reference (in Norwegian) about Statkrafts strategy for revisions.
09 - Statkraft - Tvede -Mosjøen 280410.pdf
Statkraft claims that NVE in advance has promised the outcome of a revision, that NVE has stated that no revision of conditions for a...
15.02.2018 13:44
We wrote earlier about Statkrafts strategy in revisions.
In free English we wrote:
‘We have an example of Statkrafts strategy for revisions. It can explain the revision document for Trollheim kraftverk of Surna. We must protect the...
12.02.2018 10:35
Most papers discussing MBV (Miljöbasert vannföring – environmental water flow) suggest different methods to assess minimum water flow in a regulated river but conclude in adaptive conditions and management. In contrast NVE has decided year 2012 that the revision of conditions for...
26.11.2017 16:06
We know by observations from more than fifty years in the laboratory of rivers that rivers constantly change, that rivers are dynamic and the river gravel more or less move all the time. One year it goes 600 m/s in a flood and the river is wide and large, another year the power station holds back...
22.11.2017 07:56
There are a lot of calculations and theories for minimum flow. Calculations from Statkraft show a nearly non existing minimum flow because they don´t want to give water to biological diversity. To their mind the river shall be optimized for Water Power Production disregarding recreation and tourism...
18.11.2017 21:38
Gutta var på älgjakt på Nordmarka. En älg kom spårande i snön och fälldes. Problemet var att i älgens spår kom en Laika. Efter styv kamp om äganderätten till den fällda älgen, där ord som ’nu ska du dödens dö’ frustades, virades Laikan ihop och levererades som ett paket på Surnadals polisstation.